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Categoria: Health and wellness


How to remove pesticides from fruit and vegetables

Although experts say that there is control of the treatment of fruit and vegetables, some surveys show the opposite. Apples are the most exposed to these poisonous treatments, although the crops should not normally be treated with more than three times per year.
Most pesticides are not transformed or released from the plant but enter directly into the body through fruit and vegetables we eat, say industry experts.

However, this does not mean you should give up the consumption of fruit and vegetables, because the nutritional value of this food is greater than the risk of exposure to pesticides.
There is a simple recipe to remove all harmful elements that are on the peel of treated fruit and vegetables.
You need a glass of water, a glass of white vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda.
Shake well and pour the solution into a squirt bottle.
Sprinkle already washed fruit (experts suggest always wash before eating), let it rest for about ten minutes, then wash under a stream of running water.
For a large amount of fruit and vegetables, pour the mixture directly into the container with water and put fruit and vegetables there.
All hazardous substances will remain in the water, and vitamins and nutrients of fruit and vegetables will not change their characteristics.


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