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Categoria: Health and wellness


Сhard is really effective for immunity, and it is perfect diuretic.

It belongs to the low-calorie food, and among all leafy greens it has the least amount of leaves. It is considered ideal food to maintain body weight. In this sense, you get the best meal when you cook it and serve with boiled potatoes and lemon juice, it provides the body with significant amount of vitamin C. Chard, in fact, is also rich in many vitamins C and B and carotene.
It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, and it has a large amount of carbohydrates, proteins, cellulose and vegetable oil.
The cellulose fibers are important because they bind excess water and toxic substances, and contribute to the elimination of problems related to digestion, because they determine the rapid passage of food through the intestines.
As carbohydrates are very important for the brain and the nervous system, this food eliminates the tension and enhances the concentration.
It also helps regulate the formation of red blood cells, strengthens bones and protects the lining of the skin.


In natural medicine chard leaves are used for the treatment of wounds and ulcers, their soup is recommended for the people who suffer from inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.
Boiled chard leaves with garlic are used as an antibiotic, and if one adds the parsley, the stimulus of the secretion of urine and blood cleansing will increase.

Eye vitamins

Ingredients of chard roots are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are often called eye vitamins.
They belong to the group of carotenoids and make a favorable effect on the retina of the eye, the prevention of macular degeneration, which is associated with aging, they are the most common causes that lead to blindness.
This simultaneously preserves the epithelial cells, responsible for vision.
Besides preserving vision, lutein protects the skin from UV rays.
The analysis of the research has shown that the increased inflow of lutein, compared to concentrations found in the whole body, is located on the face, because it is more exposed to the sun.


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