In memoria ad Antonio Gelsomino
Monday, February 17, 2025

Nikola Tesla’s wireless car, 1930


Nikola Tesla’s wireless car, 1930


"This is with what humanity will build hope for the future:
The transmission of energy without wires, the people at any distance will be able to solve all the problems of material existence. The distance, the main obstacle to human progress, will be completely erased from the mind, words and action.
Humanity will be a whole, the war will not be possible and peace will reign in the world. "

In summer of 1931 Tesla for his 75th birthday wished to go for a drive by car with his nephew Peter Savo near New York.
The newspapers wrote that Tesla was traveling on a mysterious motor vehicle without muffler.
In 1901 Tesla had already registered the use of cosmic energy in the Patent Office in New York, patent no. 685 957.
Immediately after his death, the CIA agents entered his room and took all the documents and the patents that they found there. Since then, mankind could only imagine the secrets that the genius of Serbia had brought with him to the grave.

Klaus Jebens (85), inventor and president of the Hamburg Society for the free energy, was preparing material for his book, researched in 2001. In the archives of his father Johannes Jebens, who was a director of the German Patent and inventive home in Hamburg, he found a secret folder in which his father described his trip to America in 1930. Thus the 70 years kept secret was discovered.
Jebens claims that U.S. intelligence had kept in the shadows the name of Tesla until 1980, when they began to speak about Tesla's work in public.
It is assumed that this was hidden because the powerful oil companies were afraid of a fall in their profits and it was considered the best not to speak much about the inventions of the scientist.
However, because oil is running out and the environment in which we live is increasingly poisoned, scientists have begun to look for Tesla’s patterns, to find his idea of ​​using energy from the universe.

In recent years Jebens Klaus has devoted himself to his inventions, but the hope of producing electrical energy as Tesla’s continues to live in him. After all, scientists all over the world are looking for this insight of Tesla, and some results predict that humanity is approaching the era of cosmic energy. Nevertheless, Jebens observes that the solution for the exploitation of the cosmic energy must always consider the same problem that was already present in the period of Tesla, how to make the user pay, rather than the necessary technology for its exploitation and extraction from the cosmos.

Nikola Tesla was the first who built a car propelled by cosmic energy, and my father Heinz in 1930 has driven it with Tesla – said Jebens. His latest invention to produce electricity using the waves of the sea is being realized now.
The father of Klaus, Heinz Jebens was a director of the German Patent Office and the society of inventions in Hamburg from 1927 to 1933, which had 10,000 members, inventors from all over the world. He traveled to America in 1930, as a head of a respectable society, to welcome the honored company of inventor Thomas Edison.
On board the "New York" ship Heinz Jebens met a former Serbia-Austrian officer Peter Savo, who introduced himself as a relative of Nikola Tesla. During a dinner at a restaurant on the ship, Peter Savo insisted that the German director should meet Nikola Tesla, claiming that he was the greatest inventor in America.

They met on November 26 in 1930 in the "Waldorf Astoria" hotel in New York.
The next day they went to Buffalo, where Tesla in strict secrecy wanted to show my father, "Pierce-Arrow", a car whose motor was run by cosmic energy, that could save mankind from energy crisis, if the documents had not been lost or hidden, said Mr. Klaus Jebens, showing us his book "Die Urkraft aus dem Universum" (power from the universe) which illustrated some of his inventions, and the memory of his father about an experimental car of scientist Tesla, that supplied energy through a small antenna.

Heinz Jebens’ Notes

Jebens Heinz describes his encounter with the Serbian genius in America as a real discovery. Tesla came to the meeting with a long suitcase saying that the key to success is there. The room in which Tesla demonstrated his invention "Pierce-Arrow" was located on the outskirts of Buffalo. The car had been taken off the tank and the gasoline engine was replaced with an electric motor. And only 12 volt battery was used to power the lights. Tesla pulled out a converter from his bag and installed it in front of the dashboard.

In half an hour, while Tesla was explaining to me the operation of the car, an editor prepared the car for a test. I sat behind, and Tesla sitting in the passenger seat, connected the cables coming out of the converter. "Well, now we have the energy and we can go," said Tesla and asked the editor to take us to Niagara Falls, where he wanted to show me the turbo-central made from his idea.
The turbo-central of Tesla pleased me very much. We walked for about an hour, and then returned to his laboratory in Buffalo.
The car was powered by some invisible force up to 145 kilometers per hour, and we have traveled 70-80 km. The converter was removed and put into the suitcase, Tesla believed that it was not time to use this technology. The gasoline was sufficient, a liter cost only fifteen cents.

Tesla claimed that he had registered a patent for a car that could transform the energy produced by cosmic magnetic waves, which are found on the planet, into a voltage, enough to supply an entire building.
The cosmic energy of Tesla is inconsumable and economic. It costs almost nothing, but the oil did not want this energy, because the profit on oil is huge.
Tesla knew that the use of new energy would be inevitable, Klaus emphasized, who with a team of experts works tirelessly to further the study of cosmic energy, and ideas of Tesla.
Klaus is convinced that his invention to produce electrical energy using the waves of the sea is good, but because of the loss of documentation of the cosmic energy of Tesla's motor, he could never rest in peace.

Today in the world the cars consume twelve million tons of oil a day, but Tesla’s car even had no muffler, says Klaus, sighing.

The sun emits electromagnetic rays that are in the form of neutrons to the ground. This radiation is known in science in the form of cosmic energy. Nikola Tesla has done much research on it and said that it could be converted into electrical energy.
The industrialist and banker Morgan that at the time was financing a little Tesla’s research, when he learned that he was working at the free use of electrical energy, stopped the grant, saying: "Mr. Tesla, do you think I can install counters of electrical energy?"

Since the invention of the steam engine had passed 100 years to the start of the production and the same happens to the Tesla’s ideas. The development of Tesla’s technology would affect many companies, because they had to change trains, planes and trams, but for this it is necessary to inform the public, the German scientist Dr. Josef Gruber said, at the congress devoted to 150 anniversary of the Nikola Tesla’s birth, held in Heidelberg in 2006.

Jebens is a businessman, has three farms in Germany, Canada and Ireland, and several other companies. He admits that he enriched, thanks to his inventions in various fields. Last twenty years, since he has sold the company to his son Klaus Peter, he is completely dedicated to energy research and since 2001 he has dealt only with physical energy, which would free the world from nuclear risk and from poisoning use of oil.


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